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The best way to get around in EPC is definitely to get your hands on a Guidebook. Ideally, we encourage you to buy it on site to maximize the benefits for the community. If you want to buy it in advance, you have several options:



After the paper guide, Rakkup is definitely the source of information to prioritize. You can buy the guidebook (print) AND the digital version for $53.99 (that price includes the shipping). The information is up to date, and the application is very easy to use. A must-have! Access to the website here

Using Mountain Project (website or application) is definitely one of the most accessible options, as it's free. Of course, there's nothing like having a paper version. All in all, multiplying sources of information makes it easier to get to know the area before venturing out. Access to the website here

In the same vein as, is totally free. The information is not always entirely up to date, but it's still a very relevant source of information. Access to the website here

Other websites

There's a multitude of websites (or blogs) that can be very relevant sources of information for preparing your trip in EPC. We list some of them here, but this list is by no means exhaustive:


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